Hi and Welcome to Hardcore Healing.

If you've been searching for help then look no further!

  • If you are completely new to clean eating, detoxing and the concept of healing through nutrition or you're a serial detoxer and health fanatic who just wants a little advise and a new approach.
  • If you have digestive issues , allergies or an auto immune response
  • If you're a meat eater, vegetarian, vegan or flexitarian. (For those who chose to not be labelled or just can't make their mind up).
  • If you're a high flying executive, a creative or a busy mum etc..

Don't worry there is a plan to suit everyone.


I have studied for years and empowered my clients to heal their bodies through nutrition with numerous issues ranging from infertility to weight loss, Chronic Fatigue to MS, Eczema to Candida, Gall bladder to thyroid issues and much more, including my own personal health issues of which you can read about on my about me page. 

 After years of research and being lost in a maze of online websites and articles with no clear guidance I created my signature 8 week gut restore programme launching soon.

I also created The Juicy Body Plan as I saw the need for an easy to follow clean eating plan for all the family. This is a very basic introduction to detoxing that suggests leaving out the culprits that cause us to become sick in the first place.

I am also partnering with revolution-foods and soon to launch a Detoxification programme.

Please check out the 8 WEEK GUT RESTORE PROGRAMME for more information and to register interest.

Meanwhile you can also download THE JUICY BODY PLAN OR one of my FREEBIES and treat yourself to a Discovery session to see what's going on for you and WHICH programme is right for you. or, you might prefer to work with me one-on-one basis. book for a full consultation.

Would you like a FREE 20-Minute Discovery Session?