Great Digestion, Good Sleep: Golden Milk


Golden Milk is a soothing drink made from some of nature’s most potent medicinal substances. It is a combination of turmeric and warm milk (almond, coconut or organic whole milk) combined with a touch of black pepper and cinnamon.

It’s warming, rejuvenating and soothing for the whole body and nervous system.


Golden Milk helps alleviate:

-       Insomnia and restlessness

-       Poor digestion, bloating, gas, stomach pain

-       Sore and stiff joints

-       Brain fog

-       Poor circulation


Here’s an easy recipe for Golden Milk that you can make at home…


Golden Milk Recipe

Serves 1

200ml of your favorite milk (almond, coconut or organic raw unpasteurised milk/ organic whole milk if you can't find raw!)

1tsp Ghee raw unpasteurised from grass fed cows

1 tsp coconut oil (use 2tsp if vegan)

1 tablespoon turmeric, freshly grated, or 1 teaspoon powdered organic turmeric

3 or 4 black peppercorns

1 tablespoon ginger, freshly grated or 1/3 tsp ground ginger (optional) 

1/3 tsp ground cardamom

1/3 tsp cinnamon

pinch nutmeg

1/2 tsp honey or natural sweetener such as date syrup etc..(optional, to taste)


Gently heat the oil and add the spices stir on a low heat to release the aromas then add milk and stir. Strain and sweeten to taste.


Source: Dr.Weil